Look to the Skies

A lack of demand queue resilience places extra emphasis on developing alternative delivery mechanisms for outpatient pharmacy product.     I searched the ceilings, walls, utility hallways, and even the skies looking for solutions to an efficient and functional outpatient pharmacy hub. This hospital, like many others, needed to control cost-to-fill while addressing leakage through the many patient egress points. What to do … Hospitals use tube systems to move

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Beware the Sesquipedalian*

One gets an unique appreciation for the duplicity of the crafted word having worked with and for consultants.  Words lose their meaning when used solely as a sales hook.       I recently read a sales piece from a consulting company on specialty pharmacy. It used words like ‘navigate’, ‘transformation’, ‘landscape’ and the like. It is OK to use words like these if they are more than window dressing.

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